Tasmota, JSON function and split Node

I don't think that is anything to do with not having a GUI, that is due to not understanding the basic database concepts.

The most common use of Influxdb with node-red is in conjunction with Grafana. In which case Grafana provides the GUI.

You are right Colin.
The think is I have a simple thinking in this stuff here because I don`t understanding all from the base up. When somthing it not working I would like to go step by step back to see where is the mistake.
When it comes to databases: Like no data coming to Grafana. So I would look up if node-red put it in Influx. And here is my point: With Influx 1.8 I could not look it up in a way without any coding. In Influx 2.0 I could go in with the GUI in the database and look "ok there are the data". The mistake must be in grafana.
You understand me? That is a very easy thinking but when it comes to code, I am not able to learn this code and this code and how to look up with code only to check something. I am happy for each GUI what I can use and understand to do things.
That is also the reason why I am using node red and not telegraf for this here.

I am glad that there are people like you who have helped me, even if you might throw your hands up in horror at my views.

Of course you can, using the Influx query language

$ influx
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.8.10
InfluxDB shell version: 1.8.10
> use Tydwr
Using database Tydwr
> select * from four_weeks.hotwater_temps limit 5
name: hotwater_temps
time                location          value
----                --------          -----
1677628803134766165 temperature_cyl_2 47.1875
1677628813127264043 temperature_cyl_2 47.1875
1677628823127188619 temperature_cyl_2 47.1875
1677628833138344350 temperature_cyl_2 47.1875
1677628843127960333 temperature_cyl_2 47.1875

In fact I suspect that the main reason for introducing the GUI is because the flux language is much more complex than the 1.8 sql type cli.

I don't throw up my hands in horror, but you should be careful about making sweeping statements, such as you did earlier about 1.8 not supporting tags in the same way as 2.0, unless you are sure of your facts.

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