Heatmiser PRT version 1.7
Thermostat is ON
Time 2019-05-26 14:17:18
Temperature 20.1 deg C (internal)
Calibration offset 65505
Target 16 deg C
Heating is OFF (heating mode)
Feature 01 (01): Temperature format C
Feature 02 (02): Switching differential 0.5 deg C
Feature 03 (03): Frost protect 1
Feature 04 (04): Frost temperature 8 deg C
Feature 05 (05): Output delay 0 minutes
Feature 06 (10): Comms # n/a
Feature 07 (11): Temperature limit 0 deg C
Feature 08 (12): Sensor selection internal
Feature 09 (13): Floor limit n/a
Feature 10 (14): Optimum start disabled hours
Feature 11 (15): Rate of change 20 minutes / deg C
Feature 12 (16): Program mode 5/2 day
Weekday 1: 07:00 19 deg C
2: 08:00 16 deg C
3: 16:00 19 deg C
4: 22:00 17 deg C
Weekend 1: 07:00 19 deg C
2: 08:00 16 deg C
3: 16:00 19 deg C
4: 22:00 17 deg C
In node red I can connect to the server and get the output but in one large block, apparently with all the formatting line feeds and carriage returns removed.
In the debug window I see the same unformatted text output all blocked together until I mouse click over the text and the formatting reappears - but not in the dashboard! What is happening here?
How do I get the formatting to appear correctly in the dashboard?
I'd also like at a later stage to take out parts of the data and place them into a database, if I can get the line feeds back then should I be able to extract features from this listed output?
Is the program source under your own control? If so then you might consider replacing it with a node red flow, then you run the whole thing in the pi.
If you do want to keep using the program then it would be much easier to decode if you changed the program to write to mqtt, or alternatively reformat the output to be in JSON form.
If you cannot modify the program then show us what you see in a debug node when you feed the result there.
Th original program is not of my making and is no longer supported by the original author, and I don't think I'm up to converting it ... 'you changed the program to write to mqtt, or alternatively reformat the output to be in JSON form.'!!!
The code generated by the debug window is ###Heatmiser PRT version 1.7Thermostat is ONTime 2019-05-26 15:21:56Temperature 20.3 deg C (internal)Calibration offset 65505Target 16 deg CHeating is OFF (heating mode)Feature 01 (01): Temperature format CFeature 02 (02): Switching differential 0.5 deg CFeature 03 (03): Frost protect 1Feature 04 (04): Frost temperature 8 deg CFeature 05 (05): Output delay 0 minutesFeature 06 (10): Comms # n/aFeature 07 (11): Temperature limit 0 deg CFeature 08 (12): Sensor selection internalFeature 09 (13): Floor limit n/aFeature 10 (14): Optimum start disabled hoursFeature 11 (15): Rate of change 20 minutes / deg CFeature 12 (16): Program mode 5/2 dayWeekday 1: 07:00 19 deg C 2: 08:00 16 deg C 3: 16:00 19 deg C 4: 22:00 17 deg CWeekend 1: 07:00 19 deg C 2: 08:00 16 deg C 3: 16:00 19 deg C ...
The above doesn't appear to be all of the output but it is representative of what I see in the debug panel and the dashboard.
Note that it is a string with newline characters embedded (the little right angle arrows). Not sure whether these are CR or LF or both. I suggest using a Split node to split it into a sequence of messages, splitting on the newline character. Then you can use a Switch node using a Regex testing the start characters (so whether it starts with Thermostat or Temperature or whatever) and sending each one to a separate output. Then in each output you can extract the value and do what you want with it (send it to a chart or a guage or a text field or a database or whatever).