The problem with node-red freezes in the browser

Hello everyone I have encountered such a problem that node-red stops working in the browser. It looks like this. I'm working with the flow. There are http in and out notes in this stream, after the changes in the stream, I look at the result in this node by opening it in the browser. I perform some simple functions that are passed to code-red, I get the result on my page, but at some point my page stops loading and there is a long page refresh. I switch to node-red, make changes to the flow, click accept changes, and node-red also starts cycling. An interesting point is, if I try to open the browser in incognito mode at the same time, open the website or node-red, then everything works fine for a while, but then it stops again and I have to close incognito, reopen and continue working. It's very inconvenient and I don't understand which way to look to see what the problem is. There are no errors in the logs. There are no errors in the browser console. I tried to change different browsers Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Safari. The problem occurs on various versions of node-red ranging from 3 to the current 4. I deployed node-red in docker, just installed it into the system on cenost 7/9, debian, ubuntu. I used different versions of node.js and npm - the gap repeats anyway. I have several operating systems - Win 10, Win 11, Mac OS, Ubuntu - the problem occurs everywhere. My streams are quite small, the palette consists of node-red-contrib-crypto-js, node-red-contrib-md5, node-red-node-mysql. To understand, I made a short video of what the freezing process looks like. In Chrome, if you open the browser console, there will be no errors on the node-red tab. Firefox stopped working after 10 minutes, I had to open it in inprivate mode to continue working. Help in solving the problem or at least in understanding how to understand its causes.
Link in youtube -

Are you running node-red and the browser on the same machine?

Open a system monitor and watch to see if anything is hogging the processor when it hangs.

I've seen similar issue when the dev tools is open in a browser tab/window that is "attached" (same process?) not sure how or why. If you close Dev tools things should improve or start working again after a refresh or close tab then connect in a new tab. I never got to the bottom of it since it was easy to avoid.

No. I always run node-red in a virtual machine. Either this is a virtual machine with docker, or a new linux installation. I connect to node-red itself from my devices. I have various servers on which I deploy virtual machines, esxi virtualization systems, hyper-V. The system's system monitor does not show high load. The virtual machine monitor is too. IOPS is within the normal range, there is no abnormal activity. Network activity is low.

In my case, dev tools doesn't play any role. I have not encountered the bug you are writing about. However, I opened and closed dev tools, but the page just hung up.

I am having a bit of trouble following your description exactly.

So you are adjusting the flow in the node-red editor

By stream you mean the node-red flow? And you are making changes to the http in and out nodes in the editor?

Opening what in the browser? What exactly are you looking at?
Is it this window that freezes?

Lets make sure we understand this much first.

Sorry, I'm using a translator. Therefore, there is a slight confusion.

So you are adjusting the flow in the node-red editor

Yes, I made a flow in node-red that has http in and http out. Inside this flow, I change the code inside the node template.

Opening what in the browser? What exactly are you looking at?
Is it this window that freezes?

After changing any note (function, template, file), I go to the page to check the result ( http://[node-red IP]:1880/http-in-01). On this site, I'm checking the changes I've made and the site stops responding. I refresh the page, and I get endless downloads. Next, I open the code-red tab, make changes to any of the nodes, and click accept changes. The changes are not applied and the node-red tab loads endlessly. If I press f5 on the node-red tab, it won't load. If I open a new tab and open node-red there, it won't load. If I open the browser in incognito mode, then everything works for a while.

OK, I understand now.

What happens if, while it is locked up, you open a browser on a different PC, if you have one, and look at the same page that is locked up?

If you haven't got another PC, then try a different browser on the same PC (leaving the failing one open).