TI sensorTag data flow problem

I am trying to link the TI sensorTag to Blynk using node-red.
For some reason I have 3 data streams working but I can't get Temperature to to read on Blynk.
The debug option is displaying all of the data I need including Temperature.
Is there a way to confirm the data link problem with Blynk from within node-red?

Can you show us a flow?

Yes will do. Is a screen dump the best way?


A screen dump alone will not show the node internals, post a screenshot and export your flow and paste it in the reply with three backticks ``` before and after the code as well to format it properly.

Copy/paste what you see in the debug window as well as exporting the flow as previously suggested.

Hi Colin, its net letting me send the output. Says new users can't have 2 links?

Do you mean it will not let you paste them in?
Perhaps @dceejay or @knolleary can boost your status for us.

Do you have the bluetooth or the Wi-Fi SensorTag?
I'm asking out of curiosity