To simulate a smart cradle

You might want to have a quick look at this tutorial I wrote for my IoT students.

It controls a strip of NeoPixels using a Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266 microcontroller flashed with ESP Easy) and Node-RED running on a Raspberry Pi.

I'm sure ESP Easy used-to-have some device drivers for the NeoPixel candle.
Just looked at the firmware and can't find them.
Suggest you ask in the ESP forum.. ESP Easy Forum - Let's Control It

As it's Christmas, a couple of my students are working on using a ultrasonic distance sensor (HC-SR05) to change the colour of some RGB lights on a Christmas tree. The idea is as you walk nearer to the tree the colour changes from green, to blue to RED. Another group are going to control the brightness as you walk nearer to another tree.

Hope this helps.