Tracking Node-Red issues in Windows

Hi Experts,

I am running Node-Red in Windows. I followed the guide of installing and setting up the Task Scheduler and all seemed to have worked. But I noticed that after some time the server is just not working. I had to got to Task Scheduler, stop the task and start again. But it would keep stopping.
On the raspberry I used to look into /var/log to see logs, but I am not sure where to look in Windows. I tried looking around in Event Viewer but could not find anything.

Today, I logged onto the server and was running NR in the a command prompt and looking the screen messages whilst working on my flow. All looks fine, but now I press inject on my flow and Node-Red just stops. The server exits and I get back to the prompt in the Command Prompt on the server. There are no errors on the screen.

How can I view the logs in Windows? Or there is no default logging like there is in Linux?

Best Regards,

You can redirect to a file

E.g. node-red > nr.log

Normally, on windows, I run node-red as a service (using nssm search this forum for nssm for more info)

But when I have an issue, I open a CMD window then run node-red. This way, if it crashes the CMD window stays open

Ps, it's likely you have a loop or bad node (i.e. it's not crashing till you inject & a msg starts traveling).

Agreed though I tend to use pm2 or nodemon to run a development version of NR on Windows just because it helps manage things.

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