Trigger a trigger node(something similar)

Hi, i have two telegram trigger nodes one which detects commands and other for messages and contents.. what i want is something like wait untill or switch
say if i send /movie as message in telegram followed by message as x then it should start one flow
same if i send /series as message in telegram followed by message as x then it should start other flow.
Why am i doing this is: movies and series both the torrent magnet url starts with magnet and i want to switch movie and sereis seperate because i want to add torrent with different categories which download files to specific filepath( based on selected cataloger) which then runs script internally to scan and add that to jelly fin server under movies and series section.

like some kind of helper if possible
problem is both are trigger start nodes soo cant run them together in same flow

Why not use the command node, one for each / command? That is exactly what they are for.

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im trying to do something else..made it work with the homeassistant helpers

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