Trying to decode a protobuf file using node-red-contrib-protobuf

Hello - I am not having any success trying to decode a protobuf load from my Tesla Powerwall+. The .proto file (see below) has multiple message types and I am not sure whether the contrib node handles that or I have some other problem.

I know it is reading the .proto file as I get an error message and the contents of the .proto in the debug pane if I specify a value that is not defined in it (eg. "Any" instead of "DeviceVital").

If I specify "DeviceVital" in the "Type" in the decode node configuration, I get "processed" in the node status but the payload output still appears to be encrypted:

My http request node is configured to return a binary payload.

I have downloaded the binary file but since it has some proprietary data (serial #s etc.), I don't want to post it here. If you can help, I can PM it to you.

Thanks for your help.

Node-RED v 1.3.5
Node v 14.15.5
MacOS Catalina 10.15.7

// Tesla Protocol Buffer definition (tesla.proto) 
// Used to decode /api/devices/vitals
// Credit and thanks to @brianhealey

syntax = "proto3";

package teslapower;

import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";

message DeviceVital {
    optional string name = 1;
    oneof value {
        int64 intValue = 3;
        double floatValue = 4;
        string stringValue = 5;
        bool boolValue = 6;

message StringValue {
    string value = 1;

message UInt32Value {
    uint32 value = 1;

message ConnectionParameters {
    optional string ipAddress = 1;
    optional string serialPort = 2;
    optional string serialBaud = 3;
    optional uint32 modbusId = 4;

message TeslaHardwareId {
    optional UInt32Value pcbaId = 1;
    optional UInt32Value assemblyId = 2;
    optional UInt32Value usageId = 3;

message TeslaEnergyEcuAttributes {
    optional int32 ecuType = 1;
    optional TeslaHardwareId hardwareId = 2;

message GeneratorAttributes {
    optional uint64 nameplateRealPowerW = 1;
    optional uint64 nameplateApparentPowerVa = 2;

message PVInverterAttributes {
    optional uint64 nameplateRealPowerW = 1;

message MeterAttributes {
    repeated uint32 meterLocation = 1;

message DeviceAttributes {
    oneof deviceAttributes {
        TeslaEnergyEcuAttributes teslaEnergyEcuAttributes = 1;
        GeneratorAttributes generatorAttributes = 2;
        PVInverterAttributes pvInverterAttributes = 3;
        MeterAttributes meterAttributes = 4;

message Device {
    optional StringValue din = 1;
    optional StringValue partNumber = 2;
    optional StringValue serialNumber = 3;
    optional StringValue manufacturer = 4;
    optional StringValue siteLabel = 5;
    optional StringValue componentParentDin = 6;
    optional StringValue firmwareVersion = 7;
    optional google.protobuf.Timestamp firstCommunicationTime = 8;
    optional google.protobuf.Timestamp lastCommunicationTime = 9;
    optional ConnectionParameters connectionParameters = 10;
    repeated DeviceAttributes deviceAttributes = 11;

message SiteControllerConnectedDevice {
    optional Device device = 1;

message SiteControllerConnectedDeviceWithVitals {
    repeated SiteControllerConnectedDevice device = 1;
    repeated DeviceVital vitals = 2;
    repeated string alerts = 3;

message DevicesWithVitals {
    repeated SiteControllerConnectedDeviceWithVitals devices = 1;

I'm having an identical problem, although using a separate proto file. did you get any resolution to this problem?

Unfortunately, I haven't found a solution.

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