Trying to fill msg more efficient but gives errors

Dear community,

I couldn't find the answer so I've to ask it.

I would like to send the following messages. But it gives an error. What am I doing wrong?

The error given at msg+d is "Bad assignment"

The error given at return is "Unrecoverable syntax error".

for(var d=1; c<=65;c++){
    msg+d = { payload: messages[d-1] };

return [[msg0,msg1,msg2,msg3,msg4,msg5,msg6,msg7,msg8,msg9,msg10,msg11,msg12,msg13,msg14,msg15,msg16,msg17,msg18,msg19,msg20,msg21,msg22,msg23,msg24,msg25,msg26,msg27,msg28,msg29,msg30,msg31,msg32,msg33,msg34,msg35,msg36,msg37,msg38,msg39,msg40,msg41,msg42,msg43,msg44,msg45,msg46,msg47,msg48,msg49,msg50,msg51,msg52,msg53,msg54,msg55,msg56,msg57,msg58,msg59,msg60,msg61,msg62,msg63,msg64,msg65,msg66]];

Is there another way other defining every msg?

const output = [];
for(let c=0; c<65; c++){
    output.push( { payload: messages[c] });

return [output];

I am presuming messages is an array set earlier in your code.

You could also use map() or for ...of

Or use node.send.

for(let c=0; c<65; c++){
    node.send( { payload: messages[c] });

return null;
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Thank you, this was exactly what I needed.

I've tested the code with the following adjustment:

var messages = [];
const output = [];

for(var d=0; d<=64;d++){
    messages[d] = 0;
    output.push( { payload: messages[d] });

return [output];

Again, thank you very much.

Maybe a bit off topic, where should I insert null if I do not want to send the payload?

const output = [];
let msg1 = {}
for(let c=0; c<65; c++){
      msg1 = null;
      msg1 = { payload: messages[c] };
    output.push( msg1 );

return [output];

Or with node.send

for(let c=0; c<65; c++){   
   if(c != 2){
      node.send( { payload: messages[c] });

return null;
1 Like

I was too quick with asking, I've had the answer already with "your" .push operator. It works like a charm!

It's way past midnight for me, so maybe with some sleep I will not ask more resources from this forum than necessary.

My final "Thank you very much"

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