Tuya devices and MQTT


I have a few WIFI switches on my nodered system. They all communicate using node-red-contrib-tuya-local and it's working fine.

Just wondering, is there a way to communicate with them directly using an MQTT node? I am not quite sure how that tuya node is broadcasting to the devices in order to control them.

Maybe they still can be hacked with tasmota OTA? My gosund, Avatar and maxcio switches are 2-3 years old and all flashed with tasmota now. Full MQTT support and no cloud anymore

The node is not going via cloud. It's communicating directly with the local IP address of the device via nodered. It must be doing it via mqtt some how.

I doubt, that the Node-RED node uses MQTT, but could indeed communicate directly and locally with the devices.
Nevertheless, the Tuya devices themselves are still sending their data to the cloud.
So my advice is still Tasmota. Try GitHub - ct-Open-Source/tuya-convert: A collection of scripts to flash Tuya IoT devices to alternative firmwares

While I agree going via the Tuya cloud is not ideal I have used these nodes for a few years and never had a problem. There are too many caveats in the How to Do It notes for me to want to flash to Tasmota so I am going to stick with the Tuya nodes until my devices fail and then replace them with zigbee units.

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