TypedInput Change options upon change event


How can I change the options of the initialized dropdown for typedinput? the on change event id being triggered but the options are not changing.

Here is my initial creation of the typedinput.

         var methodsArr = []
          Object.keys(res).forEach(row => {
              value: row,
              label: row

            type: 'method',
            types: [
                value: 'method',
                default: method,
                options: methodsArr

here is my onchange event

$('#node-input-method').on('change', () => {
        node.method = $('#node-input-method').val()

        var functionsArr = []
        Object.keys(node.args[node.method]).forEach(row => {
            value: row,
            label: row
          type: 'webhook',
          types: [
              value: 'webhook',
              default: webhook,
              options: functionsArr


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