TypeError: BigQuery is not a constructor

Hello everyone,

I am trying to use google-cloud-bigquery from node-red-contrib-google-cloud.
After setting up the Bigquery node I get the following error message:
" TypeError: BigQuery is not a constructor"

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 11.14.34 AM
Nodejs version - v16.19.1
Node-red version - v3.0.2
This is the node that I have installed
"node-red-contrib-google-cloud": "~0.0.26",

Can you please guide me to the right direction?

Thank you so much, you contribution is highly appreciated!

Welcome to the forum @NikhilPal2468

See this issue raised against the node's github page - TypeError: BigQuery is not a constructor · Issue #129 · GoogleCloudPlatform/node-red-contrib-google-cloud · GitHub

Since it has not been addressed (and other issues have also not been addressed) that suggests that the node is abandoned. I think you will have to look for another solution.

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