TypeError: Invalid host defined options

I use express to start Node-red, it's run well use cmd by command "node index.js". But when i use "npm pkg" to pack into the app,and run the app it show [warn] [node-red/httprequest] TypeError: Invalid host defined options, and use wmi node [error] [wmi:Windows or macOS?] Failed to load module : TypeError: Invalid host defined options. What can i do for it?
this is my index.js:

var http = require('http');
var express = require("express");
var RED = require("node-red");

// Create an Express app
var app = express();

// Add a simple route for static content served from 'public'

// Create a server
var server = http.createServer(app);

// Create the settings object - see default settings.js file for other options

var nrSettings = require("./settings.js"); // Node-Red settings file

// Initialise the runtime with a server and settings

// Serve the editor UI from /httpAdminRoot
app.use(nrSettings.httpAdminRoot, RED.httpAdmin);

// Serve the http nodes from /
app.use(nrSettings.httpNodeRoot, RED.httpNode);


// Start the runtime

And this is my package.json:

  "name": "",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "express": "^4.18.2",
    "node-red": "^3.1.0"
  "pkg": {
	"scripts": ["node_modules/@node-red/nodes/core/network/21-httprequest.js"],
    "assets": [

pgk is look well too:

E:\project\>pkg -t win -C GZip package.json
> pkg@5.8.1
compression:  GZip
> Warning Failed to make bytecode node18-x64 for file C:\snapshot\SmartFactoryNode\node_modules\form-data-encoder\lib\index.js
> Warning Failed to make bytecode node18-x64 for file C:\snapshot\SmartFactoryNode\node_modules\lowercase-keys\index.js
> Warning Failed to make bytecode node18-x64 for file C:\snapshot\SmartFactoryNode\node_modules\p-cancelable\index.js
> Warning Failed to make bytecode node18-x64 for file C:\snapshot\SmartFactoryNode\node_modules\responselike\index.js
> Warning Failed to make bytecode node18-x64 for file C:\snapshot\SmartFactoryNode\node_modules\mimic-response\index.js
> Warning Failed to make bytecode node18-x64 for file C:\snapshot\SmartFactoryNode\node_modules\normalize-url\index.js

Can any one help me?

Its hard to decipher the error and your request, please just provide the error as it appears

CMD Output

Also, are you doing more then just starting Node RED?
if not - you can start Node RED directly and still use pkg

Not sure why you need this?

"scripts": ["node_modules/@node-red/nodes/core/network/21-httprequest.js"],

See here for packaging up Node RED : Node-RED Standalone Executable - General - Node-RED Forum (nodered.org)

this is the error in cmd:

17 Oct 22:14:16 - [info] Node-RED version: v3.1.0
17 Oct 22:14:16 - [info] Node.js  version: v18.5.0
17 Oct 22:14:16 - [info] Windows_NT 10.0.19044 x64 LE
17 Oct 22:14:17 - [info] Loading palette nodes
17 Oct 22:14:18 - [info] Dashboard version 3.6.0 started at /ui
17 Oct 22:14:18 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------
17 Oct 22:14:18 - [warn] [node-red/httprequest] TypeError: Invalid host defined options
17 Oct 22:14:18 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------
17 Oct 22:14:18 - [info] Context store  : 'default' [module=memory]
17 Oct 22:14:18 - [info] User directory : E:/project/data/.nodered/
17 Oct 22:14:18 - [warn] Projects disabled : editorTheme.projects.enabled=false
17 Oct 22:14:18 - [info] Flows file     : E:\project\data\.nodered\myflows.json
17 Oct 22:14:19 - [info] Starting flows
17 Oct 22:14:19 - [error] [wmi:Windows or macOS?] Failed to load module : TypeError: Invalid host defined options
17 Oct 22:14:19 - [error] [wmi:Windows or macOS?] Function node failed to load external modules
17 Oct 22:14:19 - [error] [wmi:Windows or macOS?] Failed to load module : TypeError: Invalid host defined options
17 Oct 22:14:19 - [error] [wmi:Windows or macOS?] Function node failed to load external modules
17 Oct 22:14:19 - [info] Started flows


Is there a reason you are starting Node RED yourself, and including a random script portion?

May I suggest trying the solution I linked to, if you don't do anything special other then starting Node RED?

You can "Hard Installed" nodes if you need to

because if i remove the "scripts": ["node_modules/@node-red/nodes/core/network/21-httprequest.js"] and pkg and run,it show error:

17 Oct 23:08:07 - [info] Node-RED version: v3.1.0
17 Oct 23:08:07 - [info] Node.js  version: v18.5.0
17 Oct 23:08:07 - [info] Windows_NT 10.0.19044 x64 LE
17 Oct 23:08:08 - [info] Loading palette nodes
17 Oct 23:08:10 - [info] Dashboard version 3.6.0 started at /ui
17 Oct 23:08:10 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------
17 Oct 23:08:10 - [warn] [node-red/httprequest] Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package 'got' imported from C:\snapshot\SmartFactoryNode\node_modules\@node-red\nodes\core\network\21-httprequest.js
Did you mean to import got/dist/source/index.js?
17 Oct 23:08:10 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------
17 Oct 23:08:10 - [info] Context store  : 'default' [module=memory]
17 Oct 23:08:10 - [info] User directory : E:/project/SmartFactoryNode/data/.nodered/
17 Oct 23:08:10 - [warn] Projects disabled : editorTheme.projects.enabled=false
17 Oct 23:08:10 - [info] Flows file     : E:\project\SmartFactoryNode\data\.nodered\myflows.json
17 Oct 23:08:10 - [info] Starting flows
17 Oct 23:08:10 - [error] [wmi:Windows or macOS?] Failed to load module : TypeError: Invalid host defined options
17 Oct 23:08:10 - [error] [wmi:Windows or macOS?] Function node failed to load external modules
17 Oct 23:08:10 - [error] [wmi:Windows or macOS?] Failed to load module : TypeError: Invalid host defined options
17 Oct 23:08:10 - [error] [wmi:Windows or macOS?] Function node failed to load external modules

thanks i'll try your solution, because i have anthor node project. I want to start in a app.


Seems recent versions of Node RED do indeed require the need for
"scripts": ["node_modules/@node-red/nodes/core/network/21-httprequest.js"],

But maybe try.

 "scripts": [

Don't use glob patterns for scripts - increases the size massively :sweat_smile:

Seems it still produces

[node-red/httprequest] TypeError: Invalid host defined options

Not sure where to look currently - I think the got library is playing games with pkg - if I get more time, I will research, others may chip if otherwise

yes ,I have try your script which you link to, but also saw belong:

18 Oct 00:35:04 - [warn] [node-red/httprequest] Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package 'got' imported from C:\snapshot\SmartFactoryNode\node_modules\@node-red\nodes\core\network\21-httprequest.js
Did you mean to import got/dist/source/index.js?

thanks for you research,hope it can be solved!

Seems its a problem with pkg

And Node RED uses import for got as its an ES Module

Seems this is for the developers of pkg to fix.

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