Uibuilder v2: Now published to npm under the @next tag

When I install beta3.2, npm gives me the warning
npm WARN bootstrap@4.3.1 requires a peer of jquery@1.9.1 - 3 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself
Is that something I need take notice of or is it just npm being verbose about nothing important?

@Colin If you've worked with bootstrap-vue before, you'll know the answer but for new users it's not as clear. You can ignore this message basically, but it has to be documented somewhere (@TotallyInformation). The idea is that bootstrap normally depends on jquery to handle interactive parts of the interface, but Uibuilder v2 comes with bootstrap-vue to ease creating interfaces with bootstrap. bootstrap-vue in return uses bootstrap internally, but the jquery requirements have been completely replaced by ES6 style javascript. Citing the bootstrap-vue documentation:

If Bootstrap is the only thing relying on jQuery , you can safely remove it ā€” BootstrapVue does not depend on jQuery

I got confused early on as well, but it helps I've been using BootstrapVue since give or take v2-rc3.

@TotallyInformation And another one, interface this time:
The source file editor comes with a couple buttons, two of them resulting into pop-up views with a form. The "new file" form has a confirmation button to create a file but it says "new" on the button text. If it said "Create" or "Create file" any potential confusion (like it was for me) is gone, and it lines up with the other pop-up for Delete where the button says "Delete".

No, as mentioned, you need the http-vue-loader package for that. But if you use that package then you can absolutely load them without a separate build step.

The problem with that is that support is currently extremely limited in browsers right now. Use the loader though, that should do what you want.

Yes, those are on the roadmap for v2.1. Creation/deletion of folders and editing of files anywhere under the instance's root folder. Good news is that uibuilderfe does support files in sub-folders - in fact you can even serve up a uibuilder front-end from a different web server if you like (and a future uibuilder option may be to have an instance hosted on its own web server - creating a new ExpressJS instance).

Once v2.0 is live, it opens up sooo many possibilities for further advancement. The real aim of 2.0 was to try to get as many breaking changes out of the way in one go & to create a much stronger and more flexible platform for future development.

As Lena says, you don't need to worry about that and it isn't even really true so the warning is annoying. I'm using it quite happily without.

Good point about documenting the issue though. Sigh!

OK, I can do that.

Understood, thanks.

Hmm, seems I was rather over optimistic about that :frowning:

Turns out that the function I'm using isn't an ACE function at all but rather a Node-RED one. RED.editor.editJavaScript is a high-level function that dynamically builds the edit panel. I'm going to need to re-engineer that part of the code and do it myself. :sigh:

Might take a few days - I probably won't get to it until at least this weekend.

What do people think? I can fix the other issues but should I publish v2.0.0 with this known limitation or should I wait? I will go with the consensus.

Version 2.0.0-beta3.3 pushed to GitHub and published as @next on npm.

Contains all of the fixes/enhancements from this thread except for the issue with the full-screen editor which is going to take a little longer to fix.

v2.0.0-beta3.4 pushed to GitHub and published to npm with @next tag.

Text editor now automatically uses the full available height.

The full-screen edit really is full-screen now - press Esc to exit.

Still a couple of tweaks to finish off the new full-screen mode but pretty much done now.