UIBUILDER v7 progress - documentation updates

Just to keep people informed on progress. I've done a fair bit of revamping of the documentation this time around.

Each page now has a table of contents and the main menu has been simplified and made a bit clearer.

I've also simplified the home page and put in About and Getting Started pages.

Please let me know if there are areas of the docs you would like to see improved.


New pages now include:

  • About
  • Getting Started
  • Easy UI Updates
  • Common Design Patterns
  • Troubleshooting

3 posts were split to a new topic: UIBUILDER: How to create and populate a table

Thank you, Julian! I'll check that out a little later today.

Just to note... I think my use of the word "good" could be considered a "crutch." I didn't mean anything by that and I apologize. :slightly_smiling_face:

:rofl: No need, and nothing taken. In fact, you reminded me that "no" would have been the correct designation, not even "poor" :slight_smile:

Corrected already for v7.

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