I have had a very stable and happy experience with NR v0.20.5 for the past very long while but figure it's time to upgrade because, well... because.
This is where I stand:
20 Dec 10:50:28 - [info] Node-RED version: v0.20.5
20 Dec 10:50:28 - [info] Node.js version: v10.24.1
20 Dec 10:50:28 - [info] Linux 4.19.66-v7+ arm LE
Is running the install/update Bash script the way to go? Is there anything obvious that might break?
Are there any precautions I should take first?
Of course I will backup my flows and so on, but I'd prefer to avoid nasty surprises.
full-upgrade will not remove any packages without asking if it is ok (assuming you have not specified -y in the command). It will only want to remove a package if it is necessary to remove it in order to upgrade a package, so the danger in using just upgrade is that it will leave one or more packages not upgraded.
In practice I think that the likelihood of it wanting to remove a package that should not be removed is very small. In more than a dozen years of using Linux this has never happened to me. I think it is not likely to happen unless you have apps that have been self compiled, in which case the app may require a package which full-upgrade wants to remove.
Finally, on Ubuntu, if one uses the GUI upgrade system, or configures auto update, then in the background it uses full-upgrade without asking about removing packages that need to be removed. I don't know about the Raspbian GUI, but I suspect that it may do the same, assuming that Raspbian has such a tool.
A user error caused me to upgrade to Buster (from Stretch) before doing it all again to get to Bullseye.
As near as I can tell, the only thing that broke was mosquitto because the the version I was running allowed external connections by default and the newest version doesn't. Two lines in the configuration file later, everything started working again. PiHole didn't miss a beat because I kept several of the PiHole-related config files during the upgrade(s).
Then I ran the script to install NR and after the first failure I specified --node12 it ran through to completion without error. I was scared to go higher than 12, someone can chime in and tell me whether I should upgrade to 14 or 16.
Now I am 100% up to date! The latest NR looks great.
The recommended version is 14, but 16 is also supported by the node red core. I run 16. There may be some contrib nodes that still do not support 16, but nothing that I use comes into that category.
I can see no reason not to use at least 14. It is easy to go back again after an upgrade should there be an issue.
I used this script on buster without any problems: bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/linux-installers/master/deb/update-nodejs-and-nodered) --node14
Im using RevPi 3+ (industriav version of raspberry 3). This script was used to install the node-red on both linux stretch and buster without any errors.
If you only need to install NodeJS on debian 11 then you perhaps need to take this steps:
I upgraded everything and it was successful. I too was nervous and yes it took a long time (RPi3B). Now I need to update Node.js. Since there is a maintenance release for NR, I'll update everything (except the OS) again.
Fingers crossed.
Running those two commands upgraded node.js from v12.22.8 to v12.22.9, so it kept my Node 12 up to date but didn't move me to 14.
Multiple sources on the web all say to do it the way @nerevar suggested, so that's what I did and I am now running v14.18.3.
I didn't realise that is what you wanted to do. To do that the easiest way is the run the node-red install script again with --node14 on the end, as suggested earlier.