USB-Webcam on dashboard

ok. thought that i will not be that easy. live-stream is my goal. like a surveillance camera

Maybe its offtopic. but are there plattforms where you can "live"stream 24/7 for free? i could live with that, that the enduser who wants to test it, has 2 tabs open in the brwoser. one is the node-red dashboard and the other the live stream. I know that there is youtube and twitch and so on. But dont know if its the way to go..

the other way that comes to my mind. i let node red run localy on my laptop, and somehow, i dont know maybe vpn?.., extern persons can login to my laptop and test it there..

damn.. i had such a nice picture about it in my head=) thats life.

thank you

Here is one developed by our users (@dynamicdave @zenofmud @krambriw )

HSS- home (

And I believe its based on Node RED?

Yes it is. Here is a link to it in 'Share your Projects:

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