Hi folks,
During development of my camera-viewer, I'm having some security issues (concerning CORS). Summarized: when I show a camera Mjpeg stream from host X on my Node-RED dashboard (from host Y), I cannot get access to the underlying image data. So you can display the images (using an img or video element), but you cannot get the image (as bytes) from those elements. It is some copyright protection system. You can only get around it when host X sends a Access-Control-Allow-Origin http header variable, but I cannot rely on that ...
So I want to have my host Y to supply both my Node-RED dashboard and also my camera Mjpeg stream. I assume my browser won't start complaining again about cross-domain issues ... And I'm highly allergic for combining multiple tools, thus I would like my Node-RED flow to offer both the dashboard and also the camera mjpeg stream (without having to use other tools!!). So I assume Node-RED has to behave as a reverse proxy.
Let's assume I want to decode this public online mjpeg stream:
I could solve this with my multipart-stream decoder node (which decodes the camera mjpeg stream to separate images), combined with my multpart-stream encoder node (which encodes the camera images back to an mjpeg stream):
[{"id":"254b4aec.9c6f06","type":"http in","z":"8bb35f74.82618","name":"","url":"/mjpeg_test","method":"get","upload":false,"swaggerDoc":"","x":400,"y":320,"wires":[["b8e4e8b7.f45358"]]},{"id":"4c392f29.e336a","type":"multipart-decoder","z":"8bb35f74.82618","name":"","ret":"bin","url":"https://webcam1.lpl.org/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi","tls":"","delay":0,"maximum":1000000,"blockSize":1,"x":390,"y":260,"wires":[["b8e4e8b7.f45358"]]},{"id":"b8e4e8b7.f45358","type":"multipart-encoder","z":"8bb35f74.82618","name":"","statusCode":"","ignoreMessages":false,"outputOneNew":false,"outputIfSingle":true,"outputIfAll":false,"globalHeaders":{"Content-Type":"multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=--myboundary","Connection":"keep-alive","Expires":"Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT","Cache-Control":"no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate","Pragma":"no-cache"},"partHeaders":{"Content-Type":"image/jpeg"},"destination":"all","highWaterMark":"500000","x":620,"y":300,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"3f7224a8.1503ec","type":"inject","z":"8bb35f74.82618","name":"Start stream","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":"","x":190,"y":260,"wires":[["4c392f29.e336a"]]}]
And then indeed my camera stream is available via my Node-RED hostname:
So far so good. But this involves a lot of processing (mostly for finding boundary sequences in the large image chunks) on my poor Raspberry, which is not what I want. Indeed now my Node-RED flow needs to separate individual images, concatenate them together again, and then my browser has to separate the individual images again ...
I would like to pass the (infinite stream of) data chunks from the camera mjpeg stream straight to my browser (via the Node-RED flow), without any processing. What would be the best way to accomplish that? Perhaps with a combination of httpin/httprequest/httpout or anything else ???
Thanks !