Using chart.js to create bubble chart

I’m an absolute beginner
using chart.js how to creat bubble chart?

i want create bubble chart on http://localhost:1880/ui

I want to get the x,y value through mqtt and mark the location on the bubble chart

If you do a search in the flows tab of this site you will find an example I added awhile ago

i can't find it
can you tell me the address?

@xiaosong0612 I've changed the topic title from;
"I need you help" to "Using chart.js to create bubble chart".

What word or words did you use as a search term?

thank you

bubble chart

So you clicked on the flows tab at the top of this forum

and entered bubble chart and didn't find anything?

@xiaosong0612 You need to be logged-in into "flows" to see this example:

@zenofmud Paul, weird thing: if you are not logged, the example is not shown.

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Ahh I'll bet it's because The images are stored on GitHub where I created it. Good to know!

TBF, Maybe it's because that example is attributed to Juggledad, and OP was looking for an example by zenofmud ???
(I know... it's your weekend name :wink:)

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