The node that i am using is the Receiver Node that points to my telegram bot...and that seems to work and i can see the debug message show the entire message
So i have this Telegram Bot that writes lots of messages of its activities.
I am looking for specific messages that has withing the body "#ERROR" or "#COMPLETED" so that i can build an automation activity that lets me know either things are working well or do i need to go to my VPS to restart the BOT.
Hence i am using the nodered integration to read the messages then based on the TEXT found perform various home automation tasks.
so yes that did work! however here is something interesting, when i Type "Test", it is picked up by NodeRed and the conditions are met.
however, when the Bot is the one that is posting into the Chat, NodeRed does not pick it up because i am guessing Telegram Bot messages are not msg.payload.content.....but something else....
That's what the debug node is for. Just set it to show the whole msg.
If it isn't coming in, it will most likely because you are trying to connect two bots and that doesn't work because otherwise you would be able to do a DOS attack on Telegram by creating a bot loop.
just clarifying ...and im a little new with this tool
Within the debug node, it forces me to at min have msg.payload and this comes up blank whenever the bot is the one that posts the message. if i type it works.
So my trading bot is what posts the messages..and its verbrose so i wanted to build an automation to pick up specifc trade closes...