What is the Callback URL and what do I have to do?


i´m new in Node-RED and try to figure out how to add myJung to my Node-RED integration on Home Assitent.

I have come to the point where I need the Callback URL in the myJung Configuration Node. At this point I understand, that the myJung server need to contact my local instalation to send feedback and so my instalation has to be accesiable from the internet - correct? I have already a Domain which links to my Home Assistent Installation via Cloudflare, ist it possible to use this? How do I get started here?

Hi and welcome to the forum.

Unfortunately, not so many of the active members of the forum use Home Assistant so responses here may be sparse. You may also need to ask on the HA forum.

Also, I don't know what "myJung" is. If it relates to a specific node, you may wish to clarify which node package it belongs to.

thanks for the replay.

I thought Node-RED is the same on HA or stand-alone. And that the Callback URL ist always neccessary...

myJung is just a Cloud solution from a smart home company. It uses OpenAPI to support more third party solutions like Node-RED or others.

Basically it is, though HA package their own version of node-red with additional nodes included

The problem is we (or at least I) also don't know about myJung and don't know what is meant by callback URL. I think it most unlikely that your local node-red needs to be accessible from the internet. If you can tell us exactly what is meant by callback url then we can possibly help. Are you sure it is not the url of your myjung server?

As Colin says, it is the same underlying app but it is implemented in a different configuration than a stand-alone instance and that can sometimes cause confusion.

Hello and thanks for your answers.

Here is a picture of the myjung configuration.
I think this is quite specific what is needed.

Here are the Datapoints - so the conection to OpenAPI works.

Herr are the Informations about the myjung contribution:

For me it doesn‘t need to do more than translate the openAPI Datapoints in HA Etnities.

For Example:
Heating Temp Is
Heating Temp Set
Mode (heating/off/eco)

Blinds open (x%) / closed

Socket (on/off)

But even when I can access the local Node-RED instalation from the Web, how works the authentication?

Due to the 2-media-rule here ist my testflow with the Nodes from jung

Sorry, I don't know enough about Jung to help. I suggest you ask for help via an issue on the node's github page.

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Did you try to fill in the local url of your node-red instance ?
The API just uses it in its response. It does not have to be open to the internet.

You are probably correct, but the text in the node config is certainly ambiguous

'JUNG cloud sends feedback to current Node-RED server' using the specified URL suggests that the request is coming from the cloud.

Thanks again for your support.

I manged to make my node-RED accesiable from the web via Cloudflare. When I enter the URL in my Browser I have to Login with my HA credentials. But I want to give it a shot so I enterd the URL in the Node-RED configuration of Jung and I got an new Error.

registerOnJung> Registering `Thermostat_Schlafzimmer_Ist_temp.` (45c68ebc-af79-4c16-a828-0cc5cc04484f) for active feedback from JUNG on listener URL=[myURL]

I already searched all the Web for this but as it seams I have to be to only Person how have to deal with this. I think I have to conatct Jung directly.

thanks again guys.

Did you try using the local network ip as suggested?

Yes, Same Error Msg.

It does not look like an error, just a confirmation.

Ok, if we suggest this ist just a confirmation: Why I don´t get anything on the debugs? I don´t get any Value in the new Datapoints, too. Sure I may have to merge the RAW-Data but (for me) It looks like I don´t get anything.

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