i'm trying to use whatsapp node but i don't know how it's working or how i can use it .. if there's simple demo or simple nodered flow can do that and when i install whatsapp node it keeps showing this error evenif when i remove the whatsapp node from the flow
The WhatsApp node is a bit of a fudge I think. It tries to run a headless browser (Puppeteer) to run the WhatsApp web page. That page itself requires that you have a mobile phone version of WhatsApp running because the WhatsApp web version is not a full client.
Does the node require you to install Puppeteer separately? Otherwise, can you open WhatsApp web in your browser successfully?
i fix the error but now i don't know how to make it works ..i tried the flow in the node-red-contrib-whatsappbot but there's some libraries i can't find