Why cant i call Globalvariable in another function?

Hello everybody.....

I'm new to Node-Red and new to the forum, so this is the first time posting on this forum :wink:

so, i'm trying to make a Global Variable on "function 4", which the later can be accessed on the "function 5" without connecting directly, i've been changing the syntax on the code but still i can get function 5 to display the globalvariable set by function 4? what's wrong on the code? :frowning_face:

to the left is a bit messy, i'll tidy it up after i've successfully able to call the globalvariable :smiley:

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        "func": "msg.topic = \"INSERT INTO tbl_sensors (water_level_sensor, soil_condition, weather_info) VALUES (\" + parseFloat(msg.payload.split(',')[0]) + \",\" + \"'\" + msg.payload.split(',')[1] + \"'\" + \",\" + \"'\" + msg.payload.split(',')[2] + \"'\" + \");\"\nreturn msg;",
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        "name": "function 2",
        "func": "var soil_level = msg.payload.split(\",\")[1];\nmsg.soil_level = soil_level;\n\nvar water_level = msg.payload.split(\",\")[0];\nmsg.water_level = water_level;\n\nvar weather_condition = msg.payload.split(\",\")[2];\nmsg.weather_condition = weather_condition;\n\nreturn msg;",
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        "name": "function 3",
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        "func": "function setGlobalVariables(msg) {\n    context.set(\"water_level\", msg.water_level);\n    context.set(\"soil_level\", msg.soil_level);\n    context.set(\"weather_condition\", msg.weather_condition);\n    return msg;\n}\n",
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        "func": "msg.payload = { \"tank\":global.get(\"water_level\")}\nreturn msg;",
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those are the json expoorted from node-red, please tell me if i did something wrong exporting

Hi @rizkiaswangga, welcome to the forums.

Here is your problem from looking quickly :

function4 is declaring a function

function setGlobalVariables(msg) {
    context.set("water_level", msg.water_level);
    context.set("soil_level", msg.soil_level);
    context.set("weather_condition", msg.weather_condition);
    return msg;

But your not calling it, also I think it's slightly wrong.

it should be:

function setGlobalVariables(msg) {
    global.set("water_level", msg.water_level);
    global.set("soil_level", msg.soil_level);
    global.set("weather_condition", msg.weather_condition);

return msg

You should also attach your properties to msg.payload as opposed to the root of msg
most nodes will expect payload to contain the juicy bits (including the http request node)

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