I have an application runnning nicely now ( thanks for some mammbers in here ) I have the data I wan't on my dash board but I have hit an other problem. If i deploy my system under an other network i need to set up the WIFI on the RPI logining in with SSH or using the dasktop to be able to use the internet connection. Is there a way to create a form on the dashboard that would ask for the SSID and PASS and would send it to the RPI to set up the WIFI connection?
And to add a network to wpa_supplicant.conf perhaps something like this
cat | sudo tee -a /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf <<- !
ssid: "wibble"
password: "password1"
I think it's possible to run that via an exec node but it's not easy. It's not pretty either.
It will only work for straightforward wireless networks too.
RPiOS Bullseye offers some different network management options. There might be a more elegant solution now.