Wired communication to Pi Pico

I need to send some 'commands' to a pi pico device thats running some custom micropython code over a wired connection from Node-RED running on a RasPi.

Anyone got a good solution to this, I only need a few basic state switch comands so simplest would be to wire 3-4 GPIO lines across and just set one of them high depending on the mode I need to activate on the Pico.

Or maybe a serial connection via GPIO??

Something else?

This topic talks about mqtt with micro python, it may help How to receive MQTT data using Subscribe and callback

That thread seems to be assuming wifi.

Does MQTT work over a serial port?

No, MQTT relies on a network stack (and a broker) so way more overhead than would be needed for a local wired connection!
Also the Pico doesn't have a network interface (its not a PicoW)

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