Working with UI-Template

Hello everyone,
I'm have difficult when I try connect from HMI <-> MQTT <-> Node-red.
Everything is ok. When I start HMI first, the Template can receive and display all status and value I need to see. However, when I start Node-red first, I saw Node-red receive all status and value but Node-red display only one last status/value.
This is my flow:
Node-red forum.txt (48.0 KB)
This is my dashboard I wish to see:


This is the dashboard I see when I start HMI first:

The Node-red received all status/value from HMI, but Dashboard display only the end status/value

How to template can receive and display all status/value when I start HMI first or deploy Node-red.
Could anyone help me please?
Thank you!

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        "func": "var kt = msg.payload.d[\"220VAC_Status\"][0];\nreturn {\n    payload:(kt) ? \"#5fddcc\" : \"#b8bbae\",\n    topic:\"220vac@cx_color\"\n};\n",
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        "finalize": "",
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        "name": "Sơ đồ nguyên lý trạm CBL NamKa",
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font-family: Ahem; font-size: 6.47277px; text-anchor: middle; white-space: pre;\" transform=\"matrix(1.204383, 0, 0, 1.390441, 57.146042, -143.671051)\" id=\"text-1\"><tspan x=\"36.064\" y=\"192.61\">ĐIỆN ÁP</tspan><tspan x=\"36.064\" dy=\"1em\">​</tspan><tspan>220VAC</tspan><tspan x=\"36.064\" dy=\"1em\">​</tspan></text>\n  <text style=\"fill: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Ahem; font-size: 6.47277px; text-anchor: middle; white-space: pre;\" transform=\"matrix(1.204383, 0, 0, 1.390441, 106.644623, -143.426422)\" id=\"text-2\"><tspan x=\"36.064\" y=\"192.61\">ĐIỆN ÁP</tspan><tspan x=\"36.064\" dy=\"1em\">​</tspan><tspan>UPS</tspan><tspan x=\"36.064\" dy=\"1em\">​</tspan></text>\n  <text style=\"fill: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Ahem; font-size: 16px; text-anchor: middle; white-space: pre;\" transform=\"matrix(0.562869, 0, 0, 0.5625, 203.732193, 16.23937)\" id=\"text-3\" x=\"36.064\" y=\"192.61\">AI</text>\n  <text style=\"fill: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Ahem; font-size: 16px; text-anchor: middle; 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'none' : '';\n                        graphicObject.element.css({display: displayAttr})\n\n                    } else if (cxType === cxMove && graphicObject.cxMove) {\n                        // box = SVGRect {x: 51.95399475097656, y: 54.69599914550781, width: 94.41000366210938, height: 94.41000366210938}\n                        const box = graphicObject.element[0].getBBox();\n                        const matrix = getMatrix(payload, box);\n                        if (matrix) graphicObject.element.attr('transform', matrix);\n\n                    } else if (cxType === cxStroke && graphicObject.cxStroke) {\n                        // const displayAttr = (payload)? 'none' : '';\n                        if (payload.color != null) graphicObject.element.css({stroke: payload.color});\n                        if (payload.width != null) graphicObject.element.css({[\"stroke-width\"]: payload.width});\n                    }\n                }\n            }\n\n\n            function getMatrix(config, box) {\n                if (!config || !box) return;\n\n                // translation\n                const tx = config.x || 0;\n                const ty = config.y || 0;\n                // angle in radians\n                const rads = config.deg * (Math.PI / 180) || 0;\n                // rotation centre\n                // box = { x: 51.95399475097656, y: 54.69599914550781, width: 94.41000366210938, height: 94.41000366210938 }\n                const pivot_x = (config.pivot && config.pivot[0])? config.pivot[0] : 0;\n                const pivot_y = (config.pivot && config.pivot[1])? config.pivot[1] : 0;\n                const cx = box.x + box.width * ( (pivot_x)? pivot_x : 0.5 );\n                const cy = box.y + box.height * ( (pivot_y)? pivot_y : 0 );\n                // scaling\n                const sx = 1;\n                const sy = 1;\n\n                // matrix(0.594088, -0.516432, 0.62601, 0.720144, -223.586029, 145.949615)\n                return 'matrix(' +\n                    (sx * Math.cos(rads)) + ', ' + (sy * Math.sin(rads)) + ', ' +\n                    (-sx * Math.sin(rads)) + ', ' + (sy * Math.cos(rads)) + ', ' +\n                    ((-Math.cos(rads) * cx + Math.sin(rads) * cy + cx) * sx + tx) + ', ' +\n                    ((-Math.sin(rads) * cx - Math.cos(rads) * cy + cy) * sy + ty) + ')';\n            }\n\n        })(scope);\n    </script>\n</div>",
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if you don't want to process msgs with 'NGAT', use a switch node to filter them out

1 Like

Thank you very much when you read my post.
I want the Template node to receive and display all data (color, status, value...). But when I refreshed the Dashboard or deployed the Node-red, the Template didn't reload data from HMI (The Template didn't display the present data (color, status, value ... of HMI). Even Though I saw the Debug node has received all present data from HMI). It only displays one received last data. Meanwhile HMI sent a lot of data.

Put a debug node (set to display the complete msg object) on the output of the mqtt nodes and then copy the data and paste it to a reply. Make sure to expand the output to show all the data.

There’s a great page in the docs (Working with messages : Node-RED) that will explain how to use the debug panel to find the right path to any data item.

Pay particular attention to the part about the buttons that appear under your mouse pointer when you over hover a debug message property in the sidebar.


Note that as it is, there will be three different msgs being passed to your template node. If you want all the data to arrive at the same time, you need to add a join node before the template node.

1 Like

Thank you very much for your help.
I already added a join node. But The Template node didn't understand. Because payloads have another Topic.

you will have to adjust your template to reference the variables in the msg. Add a debug node on the output of the join node so you can see what the names are.

1 Like

Hi @zenofmud ,
Thank you for your help.
When I set join node as following:

I received this message:
I don't know what I need to change in the Template node?
In present, the Template node can understand with follow message:
Thank you for your patience.

If you want the data from all three msgs to get to the template node then change the join to only send when 3 msgs arrive

1 Like

Hi @zenofmud,
Thank you for your help. It done.

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