Writing updating of out time in csv file in node red


I am writing the sensor data with time stamp in csv file using Nodered. Now I want to store the in time and out time of sensor data in same row of csv because of memory management.

Example sensor1 in time punch at 21-03-2024 17:40 which I will store in csv file by linking sensor1 details. Now this sensor out time punch at 25-03-2024 11:40 which i want to update in above same row.

shall you suggest me some efficient way (Shall using iteration is the write way)

Thanks in advance

The most efficient way would be to use a database. As rewriting to a line in a csv would use memory to read file, alter line and then save.

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Thank you

But the limitation is to do work without database.

Is this an educational exercise?

You could hold all the data as a (complicated) context variable using persistent storage, and provide an "Export as CSV" option.
You could write your own code to manage a CSV file as if it was a database.
Or you could use a database, already written and optimised for managing data.

The choice is up to you, or maybe whoever set your pointless limitation.

Then maybe hold the line/object in separate file or context till the out time is added then write it to the csv.

No idea if you could do this in Node-Red but going way back in computing history (i.e. when I started) you had fixed length records in files and maintained your own index files (well posh folk using Cobol did not).

Each record was a fixed length so it was easy to work out the location of the record you wanted (record number * record length - 1) and use this as an offset in the file...

I think (but never tried) Python still supports this with the open 'RB' options and the seek() function.

I would then use the sensor number as the record number, so for sensor 1 you have:

DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM = Record length 16 + 1 for Line Feed at the end

Record number = 1 for Sensor 1

Position in file = (1 * 17) - 1 = Byte 16 is the start of the record

Note above assumes the first byte of the file is position zero and sensor numbers start at zero.

Technically this is not a CSV file as there are no commas in it - I would call this a plain text file for Linux (you would need to add a cr/lf at the end for Windows normally).

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