Will do. May not be for a few days as I'm away from my laptop until next week.
I will help with what I know. It has been a learning experience for us all.
This is going to require some wizardry help from someone who lives in a grotto on top of a mountain. lol
@seth350 @BartButenaers @nisiyama @dceejay Repository created: https://github.com/node-red/node-red-ui-nodes
Thank you @knolleary.
Hey Seth (@seth350),
Just for completeness, in case anybody needs a unique id per widget instance.
In the code of the node-red-contrib-ui-heatmap node, I simply append the node id:
function HTML(config) {
return String.raw`<div id="someNotUniqueId` + config.id + `" >`;
And then you can get a reference to that element anywhere in your code, by appending the node id:
var uniqueElement = document.getElementById('someNotUniqueId' + $scope.config.id);
Thank you for sharing! @BartButenaers