On our Venus OS, we have started to include Node-RED. Next to Node-RED, we also provide the node-red-contrib-victron module. On our devices, this all resides on a read-only filesystem; updating versions goes via complete firmware updates.
User installed modules reside on another filesystem, allowing the end-user to update the installed modules via the palette.
If we release an updated module + firmware, the user that still has the old firmware installed, will see the module from the palette as updatable. Which will fail, because of the read-only filesystem.
All of this is not that relevant for Node-RED, and one might argue that we need to find a way to fix this issue ourselves. That being said, filtering out the "update to ...." button would be simple if the button would have its package-dependent class. My proposed patch adds an extra class to the button: red-update-victronenergy-node-red-contrib-victron
(in this specific case). It would help us, and perhaps some others, if this patch can be incorporated into Node-RED.