[ANNOUNCE] node-red-contrib-ui-countdown-timer-switch

Ok as I guessed your philosophy is different. On my "issue" : yes the switch icon will be on when the timer is running but also the attached device? As said I am using Zigbee switches and they provide a status message whether a switch on command was actually received. For normal switches I read this status message from the device and forward as input to the GUI-widget. Thus the switch icon is really showing the actual status of the device.
Maybe a second input to your timer widget providing this function is an idea for the future?

Are you asking for the equivalent behaviour to the standard switch when it is in 'Don't pass through' and 'Show state of input' mode?

Exactly! :+1:

As a matter of principle I would never use a node like this. I believe that the UI should be kept separate from the logic running the process. In addition I feed all UI actions and displays through MQTT, so that the process can be controlled by means other than the dashboard if necessary. Combining display and logic can lead to problems.

Some time within the next year or so it seems likely that the current node-red-dashboard implementation may become unmaintainable. This will be problematic enough, but if critical parts of the process are tightly bound with the dashboard it could be even worse.

Purely my own opinions of course, others may well disagree with my ideas.

Thanks for helping us out, probably saved us quite some messages :sweat_smile:

@haegar33 since this is what you wanted, I wouldn't say its a matter of 'philosophy' it just sound like a very reasonable feature request . I'll take a look at it in the near future.. but it sounds absolute doable :slight_smile:

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@Colin, you have pointed this out here already and I have added my personal thoughts about this topic. In addition to my initial answer I want to point out that using this UI switch doesn't mean one can not combine that with MQTT.

I am not saying that you are wrong or that I am right but I think these nodes have their very right to exist (even without almost identical "warnings" of yours in different topics).

Yes of course, I made it clear I was just voicing an opinion. Everyone has a right to create or use whatever nodes they wish.

I don't think making a point once every 7 months is that unreasonable. I suspect most reading this thread will not have read the first one (which was about a different node).

Hey @Colin ... would you mind to provide a hint, what exactly you are referring to here? I heavily rely on node-red-dashboard and would appreciate to understand future developments early :D. Thanx

It has been discussed a few times recently. Here for example. Angular v1 end of life impacts?