Hi @juntiedt,
They are not.
These are just notifications being sent from the device.
A wake up notification will be under the event of WAKE_UP
See this table for events:
Event Table
Wake up notifications can be issued via the devices interval or by a wake up routine (as stated in the devices manual).
A device sending a real time notification and a wake up are (confusingly) 2 different things.
What we want to find out, is if the device really is sending wake ups.
For that, attach the below to the right hand side of the controller node.
What this will do is capture an object in your global context called wake_up_monitor_#
where # is for each node that sends a wake up notification.
[{"id":"97fa3aea39c7fd43","type":"switch","z":"2d7bf6e3.84c97a","name":"Wait for Wake up","property":"payload.event","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"eq","v":"WAKE_UP","vt":"str"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":1,"x":850,"y":280,"wires":[["850e52b506be4e5b"]]},{"id":"850e52b506be4e5b","type":"function","z":"2d7bf6e3.84c97a","name":"Save Wake up to global","func":"global.set(\"wake_up_monitor_\"+msg.payload.node,msg.payload)","outputs":0,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":1110,"y":280,"wires":[]}]
Keep this attached for 25 hours - what you should see at the end of it is any node that has sent a wake up notification.
Node 5 in my network has once woken up.
if you see your smoke sensor in that list (global context) - it is safe to assume, that the device just reports an ID of 0 - Evan though, it does address the controller correctly.
Im saying 25 - as the intervals can swing a little (it depends on characteristics of the device)