I'm triying to migrate my whole project to Dasboard 2.0 and I am facing several challenges. Many of them I suppose I will manage to solve eventually but one that worries me is a function node that is in charge of managing a queue of ModBus requests. For some strange reason, what worked perfectly in 1.0 in 2.0 starts working fine but gets progressively stuck until it stops and I don't know where to attack it to find the reason. Can anyone tell me what has changed from 1.0 to 2.0 to cause this behaviour? If I restart nodered.service it works again for a while.
"id": "36d2ea0f0eaf0c33",
"type": "function",
"z": "4c2326a48b5b1cea",
"g": "7f2ab856c5b1c9d6",
"name": "Modbus Queue",
"func": "let resendifnoresponse = true; // Reenviar el mensaje si no se recibe respuesta\nlet resendinterval = 10; // Reenviar Ășltimo mensaje cada x segundos\nlet online_threshold = 10; // Segundos entre actualizaciones por debajo de las que el dispositivo se considera online\nlet offline_threshold = 300; // Segundos entre actualizaciones por encima de las que el dispositivo se considera offline\n\nlet notifmsg = null;\n\n// Comprobar que el mensaje recibido tiene un topic\nif ((msg.topic === \"\") || (msg.topic === null) || (msg.topic === undefined)) {\n node.status({ fill: \"red\", shape: \"dot\", text: \"Topic missing\" });\n return;\n}\n\nlet lastupdate = context.get(\"lastupdate\");\nlet state = context.get(\"state\") | 0;\nlet queue = context.get(\"queue\");\nlet queuecount = 0;\nif (queue === undefined) {\n queue = [];\n} else {\n if (Array.isArray(queue)) {\n queuecount = queue.length;\n } else {\n queue = [];\n }\n}\nlet current = new Date().getTime();\nlet send = false;\n\nswitch (msg.topic.toLowerCase()) {\n case \"update\":\n // Actualizar timer y estadĂsticas\n\n if (lastupdate !== undefined) {\n notifmsg = { \"topic\": \"Information\", \"payload\": {} };\n current = current - lastupdate;\n current = Math.floor(current / 1000);\n notifmsg.payload.secondsincelastupdate = current;\n var minute = Math.floor(current / 60);\n var hour = Math.floor(minute / 60);\n var day = Math.floor(hour / 24);\n if (current > 24 * 60 * 60) {\n notifmsg.payload.updatetext = \"Last update \" + day + \" days, \" + hour % 24 + \" hours, \" + minute % 60 + \" minutes, \" + current % 60 + \" seconds ago\";\n } else if (current > 60 * 60) {\n notifmsg.payload.updatetext = \"Last update \" + hour % 24 + \" hours, \" + minute % 60 + \" minutes, \" + current % 60 + \" seconds ago\";\n } else if (current > 60) {\n notifmsg.payload.updatetext = \"Last update \" + minute % 60 + \" minutes, \" + current % 60 + \" seconds ago\";\n } else {\n notifmsg.payload.updatetext = \"Last update \" + current % 60 + \" seconds ago\";\n }\n\n // Reenviar el Ășltimo mensaje si no hay respuesta del servidor\n if (resendifnoresponse) {\n if ((current > 0) && (current % resendinterval === 0)) {\n let lastmsg = context.get(\"lastmsg\");\n if ((lastmsg !== undefined) && (context.get(\"sent\"))) {\n notifmsg.payload.resend = true;\n if ((lastmsg.payload.fc === 1) || (lastmsg.payload.fc === 2) || (lastmsg.payload.fc === 3) || (lastmsg.payload.fc === 4)) {\n // Es una solicitud de lectura modbus\n node.status({ fill: \"green\", shape: \"dot\", text: \"Read re-sent!\" });\n return [lastmsg, null, notifmsg];\n } else {\n // Es una solicitud de escritura modbus\n node.status({ fill: \"green\", shape: \"dot\", text: \"Write re-sent!\" });\n return [null, lastmsg, notifmsg];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Comprobar si el estado es online\n if (state !== 1) {\n if (current < online_threshold) {\n notifmsg.topic = \"Warning\";\n notifmsg.payload.text = \"Device is now online\";\n notifmsg.payload.statuschange = true;\n state = 1;\n context.set(\"state\", state);\n }\n } else {\n if (current > offline_threshold) {\n notifmsg.topic = \"Error\";\n notifmsg.payload.text = \"Device is not transmitting\";\n notifmsg.payload.statuschange = true;\n state = 99;\n context.set(\"state\", state);\n }\n }\n notifmsg.payload.state = state;\n if (state === 1) {\n node.status({ fill: \"blue\", shape: \"ring\", text: queuecount + \" | \" + notifmsg.payload.updatetext });\n } else {\n node.status({ fill: \"red\", shape: \"ring\", text: queuecount + \" | \" + notifmsg.payload.updatetext });\n }\n return [null, null, notifmsg];\n\n } else {\n node.status({ fill: \"grey\", shape: \"ring\", text: \"No data\" });\n }\n break;\n case \"next\":\n // Actualizar el contador lastupdate\n context.set(\"lastupdate\", current);\n context.set(\"sent\", false);\n send = true;\n break;\n case \"reset\":\n context.set(\"queue\", []);\n context.set(\"sent\", false);\n context.set(\"lastmsg\", undefined);\n break;\n default:\n // El mensaje recibido es una solicitud modbus\n\n // borramos el Ășltimo msg para evitar el reenvĂo\n // context.set(\"lastmsg\", undefined);\n\n // Comprobamos si hay un mensaje en la cola con el mismo topic. \n // Si lo hubiera lo borramos, sĂłlo nos quedamos con el Ășltimo.\n for (let i = queue.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n if (queue[i].topic === msg.topic) {\n queue.splice(i, 1);\n }\n }\n\n // Añadimos el mensaje al final de la cola\n queue.push(msg);\n context.set(\"queue\", queue);\n\n if (!context.get(\"sent\")) {\n send = true;\n }\n node.status({ fill: \"green\", shape: \"dot\", text: queue.length });\n\n}\n\n// Enviamos un nuevo mensaje\nif (send) {\n\n if (queue.length > 0) {\n // Cogemos el mensaje mĂĄs antiguo de la cola\n let newmsg = queue[0];\n // Lo borramos\n queue.splice(0, 1);\n context.set(\"queue\", queue);\n context.set(\"sent\", true);\n context.set(\"lastmsg\", newmsg);\n\n if (((newmsg.payload.fc === 1) || (newmsg.payload.fc === 2) || (newmsg.payload.fc === 3) || (newmsg.payload.fc === 4)) && newmsg.payload.unitid === 1) {\n // Esta es una solicitud de lectura modbus de la tarjeta 1\n node.status({ fill: \"green\", shape: \"dot\", text: \"Read L1 sent!\" });\n return [newmsg, null, null, null, null];\n } else {\n if (((newmsg.payload.fc === 1) || (newmsg.payload.fc === 2) || (newmsg.payload.fc === 3) || (newmsg.payload.fc === 4)) && newmsg.payload.unitid === 2) {\n // Esta es una solicitud de lectura modbus de la tarjeta 2\n node.status({ fill: \"green\", shape: \"dot\", text: \"Read L2 sent!\" });\n return [null, null, null, newmsg, null];\n } else {\n if (((newmsg.payload.fc === 1) || (newmsg.payload.fc === 2) || (newmsg.payload.fc === 3) || (newmsg.payload.fc === 4)) && newmsg.payload.unitid === 3) {\n // Esta es una solicitud de lectura modbus de la tarjeta 3\n node.status({ fill: \"green\", shape: \"dot\", text: \"Read L3 sent!\" });\n return [null, null, null, null, newmsg];\n } else {\n // Esta es una solicitud de escritura modbus\n node.status({ fill: \"green\", shape: \"dot\", text: \"Write sent!\" });\n return [null, newmsg, null, null, null];\n }\n }\n\n }\n\n }\n}",
"outputs": 5,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": [],
"x": 5920,
"y": 1940,
"wires": [
"info": "# Modbus Queue\r\n\r\nThis node queueing read and write messages for modbus. Use this node if you are reading and writing the same device with many different requests. E.g. reading different coil/register intervals continously and also writing to the device at the same time.\r\n\r\nIt does a few things:\r\n- queues all messages arrive on the input port\r\n- based on the msg.topic, older messages of the same topci is ignored\r\n- sends out the oldest message and waits for the \r\n- monitors the time since last message and send out report on the output\r\n- handles online/offline status\r\n- resend the last message is response is not received in time\r\n\r\n## Input Data\r\n\r\n### payload\r\n\r\nThe payload should contain the data that gets sent to the flex-getter or flex-write node.\r\nTypical modbus read payload:\r\n`{\"value\":0,\"fc\":3,\"unitid\":1,\"address\":1000,\"quantity\":20}`\r\nTypical modbus write payload:\r\n`{\"value\":false,\"fc\":5,\"unitid\":1,\"address\":0,\"quantity\":1}`\r\n\r\n### topic\r\n\r\nEach message must contain a topic (any text), and this topic is used to identify the different read/write requests and delete any earlier request with the same topic if it still in the queueing\r\n\r\nThere are a few reserved topic for special function (for these payload is ignored):\r\n- reset: resets the queue and deleted any data collected so far\r\n- next: this is the message fed back from the flex getter/write node to indicate to this node that a new message can be sent out\r\n- update: this should be coming from a 1 second time to display the current queue count, time since the last update and online/offline status\r\n\r\n## Output ports\r\n\r\n### Port 1: flex getter\r\n\r\nThis output should be connected to a modbos-flex-getter and all the read requests will be sent out through this port\r\n\r\n### Port 2: flex write\r\n\r\nThis output should be connected to a modbos-flex-write and all the write requests will be sent out through this port\r\n\r\n### Port 3: status messages\r\n\r\nThis port outputs a status message for every update message (msg.topic=\"update\").\r\n\r\n- topic: \"Information\" for regular updates, \"Warning\": offline device is now back online, \"Error\": device is offline\r\n- payload.text: message like when the device gone offline, or back online\r\n- payload.updatetext: time passed since the last update (human readable format)\r\n- payload.secondsincelastupdate: number of seconds since the last update from the device\r\n- payload.statuschange: true if status is changed (gone offline, back online)\r\n- payload.state: 0: initial state, no data yet, 1: device online, 99: device offline\r\n\r\n## Node Settings\r\n\r\nChange the settings in the first 4 lines of the code to influence the behaviour. Explanation is in the code as comment."