I have a dashboard that displays industrial sensor data. Each machine gets its own tab and I use a ui_control node to change tabs every 30 seconds so all the data can be seen. However, I would like to make the system-wide air pressure visible on every tab without having to manage a bunch of redundant nodes. I had the idea of displaying this payload in the title bar but I wasn't sure how to go about that. The search function turned up some flows that can display a date in this way but I'm too dumb to reverse engineer this to solve my problem. Any ideas?
I am also trying to do something similar.
I have managed to hack this together based on the clock example.
Add this to a ui template node set to site head section.
You can follow this example to add or remove elements as needed.
Then to update the information create a ui template on each tab using my second code, set size to auto so they are invisible.
Elements are targeted by msg.topic eg
msg.topic = status
msg.topic = user
Send a message with the relevant properties to change, eg
msg.payload contains the text to display
<script id="clockScript1" type="text/javascript">
var clockInterval;
$(function () {
if (clockInterval) return;
//add logo
var div1 = $('<div />');
var logo = new Image();
logo.src = '/images/logo.png'
logo.height = 50;
div1[0].style.margin = ' auto';
//add status message
var div2 = $('<div id="status" />');
div2[0].style.margin = '50px auto';
div2[0].style.color ='white';
div2[0].style.fontSize ='xx-large';
//add user name
var div3 = $('<div id="user" />');
div3[0].style.margin = '50px auto';
div3[0].style.color ='white';
div3[0].style.fontSize ='xx-large';
//add clock
var div4 = $('<div id="clock"/>');
var p = $('<p/>');
function displayTime() {
var options = {weekday: 'long', month: 'long', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: '2-digit',second: '2-digit'};
p.text(new Date().toLocaleString("en-GB", options));
clockInterval = setInterval(displayTime, 1000);
//add to toolbar when it's available
var addToToolbarTimer;
function addToToolbar() {
var toolbar = $('.md-toolbar-tools');
if(!toolbar.length) return;
addToToolbarTimer = setInterval(addToToolbar, 100);
scope.$watch('msg', function(data) {
var elem = document.getElementById(data.topic)
if(elem !== null) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty('fontFamily')) {elem.style.fontFamily = data.fontFamily}
if (data.hasOwnProperty('fontStyle')) {elem.style.fontStyle = data.fontStyle}
if (data.hasOwnProperty('color')) {elem.style.color = data.color}
if (data.hasOwnProperty('fontSize')) {elem.style.fontSize = data.fontSize}
if (data.hasOwnProperty('fontWeight')) {elem.style.fontWeight = data.fontWeight}
if (data.hasOwnProperty('payload')) {elem.innerHTML = data.payload};
if (data.hasOwnProperty('image')) {elem.src = data.image};
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