Applestrudel - Alexa - newbie question - switch device?

newbie question here. Got my alexa node red applestrudel setup done. Can make her speak, add items to shopping list.... looks good.

How can you make alexa react to predefined phrases, i.e. "Alexa, turn light on" or "Alexa, set thermostat livingroom to 25"
All examples that i see is one way traffic: from node red to alexa. But can not get the last command that was given to alexa 1:1 in node-red. Am i missing something here?

You use the event node, set to device activity, you also need to enable Auto Query Activities in the config node. Even after you do this some people report it to be flaky.

Thank you. "auto query" was off. But still no response with simple "device activity" and debug node.

Another approach: is it possible to detect if a routine was started? That way i can keep the query definitions in Alexa app.
Got me thinking, my initial approach might be wrong. Let's say, Node Red looks for the phrase "alexa close blinds" to start some domotica action. Not aware of Node Red scripts, alexa would respond "Sorry i did not find a device or group named blinds".

You can set up routines in alexa triggered by voice commands to turn on virtual devices, you can make one virtual device do hundreds of things by setting brightness levels and have node-red respond to different levels. You can use nodes such as below to set up virtual devices.

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