Aquarium Controller - Raspberry PI 4B Node-RED, Atlas-Scientific i2c Devices, NCD i2c Relay Board

It might be useful to also include a msg.topic property set to the selected type/mode of the node to make combining multiple sensor readings easier.

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Would it be good practice to set this by default or leave it blank? I would think most users will add a topic to the input message in combination with the command. Thoughts?

Well you can always test if msg.topic exists on the incoming msg - if it exists leave it alone as the user wanted it set that way... if not then add your own based on the type/mode.

I'll add it to the development list. :slight_smile: Thanks for the excellent direction in adding valuable features!

And thanks for the really accessible node. It just works !

With the help of the contributors you folks have come a long way with fixing the i2c device nodes (generic i2c, mcp23008, pca9685).

Now, with this new one from you, users have a very specific node for AtlasEZO devices (which I suspect are powered by AtmelMega328P 28pin mcus or perhaps PIC16F88x 28pim mcus).

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v1.1.2 includes your recommended changes: improved node label text and added msg.topic if it doesn't exist on input.

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a short question. I also use the Atlas IOT on a Raspberry with a ph, ORP sensor and an EZO-PMP. Unfortunately I have very little experience with Node Red, I know the most important things, but I don't know how to connect contrib-ezo to my Raspberry. Node Red is running on another Rapberry. Can someone show me the Node Red structure in pictures? What am I doing wrong. many thanks for your help

I'm travelling for work and had some family medical emergencies, so I'm quite occupied. When I return home in a few days I'll look up a few basic flows that I have that I can link... They will get you started.