Automate dashboard contents

Sorry my bad if i was misunderstood.

I'm using the dashboard now and showing the information in the /ui url.

It can be done using the dashboard functionality?

In that case you can use the other technique, using the node red admin API to modify the flows, then restart node red.

Start by reading and understanding the docs for the API.

Ok, that is what i said before about using the nodered API.
I don't know how to use it besides the documentation. I mean, i need practical examples to make it work.

Is it possible to make it?

Have you read and understood the docs? If not then what don't you understand?

I've read this doc but, where is the example about writing or modify nodes within a flow?.

PUT /flow/:id allows you to update a flow.

OK, i will give it a try!


I think uibilder is a more flexible and customizable option for creating user interfaces. Give it a try.

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I agree, uibuilder would be a better way. That has already been suggested to @Marty1982.

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Especially the next release that has the auto-build, zero-code uib-element node - it can take an array or object payload and turn it into an HTML list or table.

The release after that will be able to not only hydrate HTML on the client side but on the Node-RED side too so that you can use uibuilder to create HTML to use with other tools such as http-in/-out and Dashboard or simply to save it so that you get super efficient HTML static pages that can still be updated from Node-RED!

Wow great news!.

Ok, so, i will try uibuilder and see if i can achieve what i need.

Thanks a lot to everyone.

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