Best way to create this dashboard

I've been using Node-Red for about six months to get data from the MQTT service, postgres databases and create a simple dashboard. Then, I would make the dashboard for the factory floor with LabVIEW talking to the MQTT service because I know how to customize it. What toolset would I need to know to create the dashboard attached in Noe-Red? This dashboard could have multiple pages and automatically cycle through them. I have no web development experience; most of my development revolves around low-level languages like C/C++, Micropython, and assembly, and high-level languages like LabVIEW. I think JS, CSS, and HTLM skills would be needed. Trying to figure out what new languages would be best to know to complete this task. And the best way to learn these skills. Most of the colors in this dashboard change based on the background data. I am running Node-Red in the Flowfuse wrapper as I need to add multi-user security access to other dashboards I will develop. Any direction would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @jeffery and welcome to the forums.

So, technically, you shouldn't need any cosing experience to build something like this. I'm lead dev on FlowFuse's Dashboard.

Although looking at your examples, there are a couple of things we don't support out of the box, currently, but definitely have plans to support in the near future (e.g. vertical sliders and rotated text in a coloured tile gauge), that could still be implemented in our ui-template node, which would require some knowledge of HTML/CSS/JS, this community is reallt great at supporting there too though.

Also worth pointing out that I'm running a "Crash Course" in a couple of weeks that may be of interest too: Dashboard Crash Course • FlowFuse

It'll be recorded and available to watch after as well.

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Extra update, I've just implemented vertical sliders: UI Slider - Add Thumb "always", ticks & vertical sliders by joepavitt · Pull Request #1014 · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub

I need to add some docs, it needs to be reviewed by one of my colleagues, and then it will get put into the next release of Dashboard


On YouTube??

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Dashboard 2 crash course!

Thanks Joe, I already signed up for the crash course. I’ll see what I can achieve between now and then. I’ll post here with my progress and questions. Also, I have attended your last two webinars. Always a lot of information to take in. Thank you for your work and support.

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