Automatic Dashboard 1.0 > 2.0 Migration Service

Hi All, following on from @dceejay's announcement yesterday that Dashboard 1.0 has been deprecated, we wanted to make available our first pass of a service to help migrate your D1.0 flows over to D2.0:

You can try the service out here: FlowFuse Dashboard • FlowFuse

Note, there are limitations here, it can't do everything, but it'll at least get your started with a lot of the ground work as it covers automatic conversion of all of the below:

  • Tabs/Pages, Groups
  • Buttons, Switches, Sliders, Dropdowns, Text, Text Input, Form

Anything it can't convert, it will keep the D1.0 node in place and connected, but disable it, so it's clear where manual intervention is required.


A good start, thanks.

I think it would be useful if one could paste a flow in, and provide the option of copying the result to clipboard rather than having to first save the export in a file, and then copying from the resulting downloaded file.

I note that there is not a warning when the conversion is not fully compatible. For example a switch node with pass through deselected, and Show State of Input selected does not warn me that Show State of Input is not (yet) available in D2.


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Thanks for the feedback Colin. we definitely plan to improve this, and thanks for the suggestions.

It maybe should say some clear words about the third-party nodes created for DB1.

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Hi Joe,
Thanks again for your dashboard 2, also thanks for the migration service.
The last one I don't get working yet.

First strange sting is if I fill in my First and last name followed by my email address the first and last name files are emptied and need to filled in again.
If you then drag a json file to the drop window the file will be opened in the browser. Navigate back to the migrate page there's no download option or download started.

Tested it in Firefox and Chrome.


Can you try just clicking the big blue "drop here" square and chose your file instead of dropping it. Does that work?

The drag/drop doesn't work for me either (Edge in Ubuntu). I had to click in the box then I got a choose file dialog.

Thanks for confirming Colin, I can see the problem in the code through the GH mobile app, but I'm away from my laptop until Sunday morning, so can't fix until then.

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Yep that works, a file browser will open and after selecting the json file and pressing the Convert flow button it works. The converted file is downloaded.

In the screen that's coming after the conversion is done you can also drop a file, this is also not working.
Clicking on this box will also open a file browser, however the file uploaded here will give no result.
There's no conversion or download started.

A sumple refresh should do the trick here, currently, you need to fill the form in each time

Although I think this is a great idea to have a conversion option available, doing this via an email address feels like a dark pattern, as it is not explained what is going to happen with this email address, plus that the dashboard could contain sensitive information.

Can this not be an online/realtime without the need to provide this info, or an offline script that can do it ?

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I can confirm we only process the json files, we do not store them at all, and don't have any access to it for any other purpose than converting it for you.

When I am at my desk again, I'll add a statement to the website to clarify that

Although I have utmost trust in Joe/Steve's integrity, I had the same thoughts as @bakman2 and if I did need a db conversion, I would not relish the thought of my data being emailed about...

Why is it necessary for the conversion to be done remotely?
Is there a human input necessary in the conversion process?

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This is a fully automated service, no human involvement

So in that case -

Maybe… so while it is under heavy development, that there is only one version, people don’t have to install it and then get asked which version are they running when something doesn’t work. ?

I see that my paranoia has caught on! :sunglasses:


Not sure I would rely on any kind of automatic script to handle this move from DB1 to DB2 .

I remember when I worked on some of my flows for that same purpose, I had also to modify some other nodes as some of the DB2 nodes don't use the same data structure as their DB1 equivalent ( example dropdown node).

Doing this move manually helps also to see what feature is missing in DB2 compared to DB1 ( example, not sure if it was for text or text input node, it was not possible with DB2 to work with anything else than msg.payload, which broke my flow)

If it's just a matter of replacing nodes, I guess it can be done quite easily by exporting the flow and use find and replace in any JSOn editor.

But maybe the script goes beyond that....

Its definitely more advanced than a simple replace. We also ensure any new properties are injected and have sensible values. Any migrated properties (some were renamed) are also automatically mapped too.


@Joe might I make a suggestion...I got stumped trying to drag my flow to the box

I finally figured out that I had to click on the box and then select the file.

The wording should indicate that. Maybe say "Click on this box and select your flow to migrate.