When posting terminal output, where possible please copy/paste rather than screenshot, it makes it much easier to read, and the text can be copied. Thanks.
What does this command do? It should output the downloaded script to the terminal, but I suspect it will fail. curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/linux-installers/master/deb/update-nodejs-and-nodered
Also, I don't think it is the cause of your problem, but have you installed build-essential as it says in the instructions with the bash script? If not then sudo apt install build-essential
I did manual installation of node earlier and now when running with bash and getting this:
Running Node-RED install for user pi at /home/pi on debian
Node-RED v3.x no longer supports Nodejs 12
You can force an install of node 14, 16 or 18 by using the --node14, --node16 or --node18 parameter.
However doing so may break some nodes that may need re-installing manually.
Generally it is recommended to update all nodes to their latest versions before upgrading.
If you wish to stay on nodejs 12 you can update to the latest Node-RED 1.x or 2.x version by adding
--nodered-version="1.3.7" or --nodered-version="2.2.2" to that install command. If in doubt this is the safer option.
Please backup your installation and flows before upgrading.
Exiting now.
pi@raspberry:/tmp $
Could you please suggest me with the required command to fix this.
One thing I noticed is that when you ran cat /etc/os-release it shows: NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
while when I run it I see: NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
I don't think there is much we can do with the tiny bit of information you supplied. You have not even given the exact text of the error message.
"Most of the systems"
Are you in a commercial / educational setup?
Do you have a network administrator or tech helpdesk whose job it is to solve connectivity problems?