[Beta] node-red-contrib-ui-uPlot-charts

Nice to hear that the slow data loading is solved (keep in mind the data has to be loaded each time you switch tabs form the runtime). Hope the ghost groups and charts diapered too :jack_o_lantern:.

The spinning wheel indicates that the ui is waiting for a reply form the runtime - I‘ll investigate (perhaps you can see something in the server log). If you click on the info button (which is non destructive) you should see this (if debug messages are enabled)

28 Oct 21:30:45 - [info] [ui_uplot-charts:7609eb8c228cf217] http request "getSizes" fom ip:

and get this

Loading the X-Axes def you should get this

28 Oct 21:32:22 - [info] [ui_uplot-charts:7609eb8c228cf217] http request "axesX" fom ip:

The browser console will show any errors.

For the y-axes currently you have to define an scale and set it to the series and axes. This will build the link between all three options (this is how uPlot works). I think I can define a default scale and axis which can be defined for all new and not connected series. The Time Axes don't need a Scale. Only select X axes as side (Scale is then disabled)

For more (automatic) colors (discussed here before) I plan to utilize my chroma node (or build chroma.js directly into the uPlot node) to generate nice and scientific color scales (including colorBrewer, paletteHelber) and others. This will be interesting when I implement the gardient features of uPlot. But this is a complete new task. For now I can make the default palette accessible to play with or perhaps send a msg.series.stroke or msg.ui_control.series.stroke.with your data. I have to think about a good way to implement this (and perhaps lift the internal mystery of ui_control messages this time).

Ok for now the defaultColors can be edited (you can use the chroma node or other tools to generate longer palettes and paste them in). Have fun :wink:


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