Can not reach IP:1880 node red with my Raspberry PI4 eth0

I have used not red on my Raspberry PI4 ( using wifi without any trouble. Now I want to put this Raspberry on my network via eth0 (ethernet cable). My router DHCP gave it an other IP ( Putty and port 22 works perfectly on this IP but I can not reach!!! somebody knows why?

Welcome to the forum

It is 168 not 167

thanks typing error, I mean 168 of course, but does not work either

Thanks Collin,
I got this message when I type "node-red"
[warn] Projects disabled : editorTheme.projects.enabled=false

I fixe it with editorTheme/projects/enabled: false
changed it to I fixe it with editorTheme/projects/enabled: true

But it still does not work

now I have:[warn] No active project : using default flows file

ans I am stock!

Check the priority in /etc/dhcpcd.conf

Lowest metric has priority.

Do yourself a favour and either tell your router (if you haven't already) to give the Pi a fixed IP address or use a fixed IP address outside the DHCP numbers. That way it won't suddenly change one day.

For access, check that you are not blocking ports with a local firewall on the Pi (e.g. IPTABLES). Also check that you aren't using a proxy.

What is wrong with that? Are you trying to use the Projects feature in node-red?

That is because you have enabled the projects feature but have not defined one.

Back on the subject of the thread, how did you install node-red?

What does the command
ip a

Can you show us the command window output that you get when you stop node red and start it again in a command window?

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