Possibly off topic but I struggling with a problem I have been unable to resolve.
My setup:-
Node-Red on a raspberry Pi.
My mosquitto mqtt is on the same Pi.
Emoncms self hosted on raspberry Pi.
The access to both is via cloudflare as suggested elsewhere on this forum for security.
I have setup port forwarding on the router and this works perfectly. I can access node-red and emoncms from either the local network or via the internet.
All the mqtt traffic on my local network works perfectly.
I now want to access the mqtt server over the internet so I set up port forwarding for the mqtt server. I am using one of the port numbers that cloudflare supports.
To test I altered a nodered mqtt flow to the internet server address but all I see is *connecting. Alter it back to localhost as it was and it connects straight away.
Is it cloudflare or the mqtt server causing the problem? Is there any way I can establish why I cannot reach the server through cloudflare?
Any thoughts? this has me baffled.