Can't write buffer to file in hex

I have a hex buffer that I would like to write to a file. It seems no matter what type of encoding I try I can't get the File node to write it in hex.
Setting File node to hex provides no new lines.
Auto gives me the following.
Screen Shot 2022-03-01 at 4.52.32 PM
Screen Shot 2022-03-01 at 4.53.40 PM
Desired output would be something like:
e2 80 d bc f1 1 f3 38 1 1 13 44 e3

Hello .. you can try converting the Buffer to a .toString("hex") in a Function node
before sending it to the File write node

// msg.payload = Buffer.from("e2800dbcf101f33801011344e3", "hex")  // test
msg.payload = msg.payload.toString("hex")
return msg;
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Thank you!

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