Change name of project's package file

I have two instances of Node-RED, one production, the other for testing. Because I have just started using Projects, I have some flows in the production side that I would like to move to testing. I'm attempting to do this with git remote add source-repo <path> and cherry-pick.

I ran into an error that both instances' projects have common file names (flows.json, flows_cred.json) so I have succeeded in changing these on the test side. However, I am still left with package.json and I have tried to make the same changes, but even after restarting Node-RED I am not allowed to select the new filename - at least not in the web editor.

Is it possible to do what I want please?

No, the README and package.json files are standard names and cannot be changed

Thanks. I think I need to learn some more about git, but meanwhile I'll take the export->import route.

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