Changing the icon based on an attribute value

Node-RED v4.0.5
Node.js v18.20.4

I want to change the node's icon, depending on the TYPE attribute.

<script type="text/javascript">
    RED.nodes.registerType('ussd-menu', {
        category: 'function',
        color: '#a6bbcf',  // Keep node color static on canvas
        defaults: {
            menuId: { value: "" },
            name: { value: '' },
            ussdText: { value: '' },
            branchLogic: { value: '' },
            preProcessing: { value: '' },
            options: { value: '' },
            menuType: { value: 'NOTICE' },
            inputType: { value: 'ALL' },
            minLength: { value: 1 },
            maxLength: { value: 50 },
            minDigit: { value: 0 },
            maxDigit: { value: 9 }
        inputs: 1,
        outputs: 1,
        label: function() {
            return || 'USSD Menu Item';
        oneditprepare: function() {
            const node = this;

            // Show/hide fields based on MenuType and InputType selections
            function toggleFields() {
                const menuType = $("#node-input-menuType").val();
                const inputType = $("#node-input-inputType").val();

                if (menuType === "INPUT") {
                    $("#node-input-inputType-row, #node-input-minLength-row, #node-input-maxLength-row").show();
                    $("#node-input-minDigit-row, #node-input-maxDigit-row").toggle(inputType === "INTEGER");
                } else {
                    $("#node-input-inputType-row, #node-input-minLength-row, #node-input-maxLength-row, #node-input-minDigit-row, #node-input-maxDigit-row").hide();

            // Attach change event listeners to update field visibility
            $("#node-input-menuType").on("change", toggleFields);
            $("#node-input-inputType").on("change", toggleFields);

            // Initialize visibility on load
        icon: function(){
            switch (menuType) {
                    case "INPUT":
                        return 'node-red/switch.svg'
                    case "NOTICE":
                    return 'node-red/fa-comment-o.svg'
                    case "REDIRECT":
                    return 'node-red/fa-forward.svg'
                        return 'node-red/fa-wrench.svg'
            return 'node-red/switch.svg'

<script type="text/html" data-template-name="ussd-menu">
    <div class="form-row">
        <label for="node-input-menuId">Menu ID</label>
        <input type="text" id="node-input-menuId" placeholder="Unique Menu ID" readonly>
    <div class="form-row">
        <label for="node-input-name"><i class="fa fa-tag"></i> Name</label>
        <input type="text" id="node-input-name" placeholder="Node Name">

    <!-- Larger textarea fields for USSD Text, Branch Logic, and Pre-Processing -->
    <div class="form-row">
        <label for="node-input-ussdText">USSD Text</label>
        <textarea id="node-input-ussdText" placeholder="Display Text" maxlength="2000" rows="5"></textarea>
    <div class="form-row">
        <label for="node-input-branchLogic">Branch Logic</label>
        <textarea id="node-input-branchLogic" placeholder="Branch Logic" maxlength="2000" rows="5"></textarea>
    <div class="form-row">
        <label for="node-input-preProcessing">Pre-Processing</label>
        <textarea id="node-input-preProcessing" placeholder="Pre-Processing Commands" maxlength="2000" rows="5"></textarea>

    <!-- Menu Type Selection -->
    <div class="form-row">
        <label for="node-input-menuType">Menu Type</label>
        <select id="node-input-menuType">
            <option value="INPUT">INPUT</option>
            <option value="NOTICE">NOTICE</option>
            <option value="REDIRECT">REDIRECT</option>

    <!-- Additional fields shown conditionally -->
    <div class="form-row" id="node-input-inputType-row">
        <label for="node-input-inputType">Input Type</label>
        <select id="node-input-inputType">
            <option value="ALL">ALL</option>
            <option value="INTEGER">INTEGER</option>
    <div class="form-row" id="node-input-minLength-row">
        <label for="node-input-minLength">Min Length</label>
        <input type="number" id="node-input-minLength" placeholder="Minimum Length">
    <div class="form-row" id="node-input-maxLength-row">
        <label for="node-input-maxLength">Max Length</label>
        <input type="number" id="node-input-maxLength" placeholder="Maximum Length">
    <div class="form-row" id="node-input-minDigit-row">
        <label for="node-input-minDigit">Min Digit</label>
        <input type="number" id="node-input-minDigit" placeholder="Minimum Digit">
    <div class="form-row" id="node-input-maxDigit-row">
        <label for="node-input-maxDigit">Max Digit</label>
        <input type="number" id="node-input-maxDigit" placeholder="Maximum Digit">

The above seems sound, but it doesn't change my node's icon.

Any advice?

this will likely be causing an error in the browsers console. Try using the val() of the element instead

Thank you @Steve-Mcl

Got it working.

        icon: function() {
            switch (this.menuType) {
                case "NOTICE":
                    return 'node-red/comment.svg';
                case "INPUT":
                    return 'node-red/file-in.svg';
                case "REDIRECT":
                    return 'node-red/link-return.svg';
                    return 'node-red/fa-wrench.svg';

Interesting observation. Node-red icons work, but the 'fa-...' icons doesn't.

You can always have a resources folder in your package, this is automatically served up to the Editor by Node-RED and you can include your own svg files there. The font-awesome icons can all be downloaded as svg files.

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