Conflicts between MongoDB and Bluemix Nodes

Hi to all.

I am trying to use MongoDB in my application, and I need to use the node-red-node-mongodb.
However, I get a conflict with node-red-bluemix-nodes which I can't deactivate or uninstall. I have deleted and disabled its nodes, as well as deleted the Configuration Nodes.

Do you have any suggestions on how to get rid of this?

Thank you

Welcome to the forum @stav

In a terminal go to your .node-red folder (that is the folder where your flows file is) and run
npm remove node-red-bluemix-nodes
If you get any errors from that then copy/paste the full command output here. It should finish by telling you that it has removed a number of nodes.

Then restart node-red.

@Colin this is running in IBM Cloud, so there is no command line access.

@stav the IBM Cloud starter kit hasn't included the bluemix nodes package for probably a year or more. So I assume this is quite an old instance you are using?

Long story short, you'd need to use the git integration the platform provides to edit your package.json file to remove the bluemix nodes module and add in whatever other module you want.

Are you deducing this on the assumption that no-one would install the bluemix nodes unless running in IBM Cloud? That may well be a valid assumption I must admit.

Thank you @knolleary

I re-install Node-RED, now it works fine with the updated mongo library. For anyone interested, below I have the settings for Mongo Atlas.

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