Connect to multiple oracle DB's


I make use of the node-red-contrib-oracledb-mod plugin. I can connect to an oracle DB and run queries. However I have no idea how to access another oracle DB within the same flow, or even in a different flow in the same nodered instance. Whenener I change the connection prtoperties of one instance of the oracledb - node, the connection properties of all other oracledb nodes are overwritten as well.

So my questions is:

How can I retrieve data from 2 different oracle databases within the same flow ?

best regards

I don't know that node, but I would expect that when you configure it you have to setup a config to point to the database. If so then to add another one don't edit the existing one but instead look for an Add New in the dropdown list of databases. For instance in the mysql node I can select


thanks - that worked. I feel a bit stupid now :frowning:

Don't worry, most things are simple once you know how :slight_smile:

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