I'm trying to connect to AWS IoT Core using MQTT, WebSocket and HTTPS communication protocols.
Here I'm using Node-Red as an IoT Device simulator. While doing this I'm able to successfully connect using both MQTT and HTTPS protocol but WebSocket connection is not working.
MQTT EndPoint: xxxx..amazonaws.com:8883
HTTPS EndPoint: https://xxxx..amazonaws.com:8443/topics/iot%2Ftelemetry?qos=1
WebSocket EndPoint: wss://xxxx..amazonaws.com:443/mqtt
Error in Node-Red Console when I try to publish a message to AWS IoT Core using WebSocket protocol
"An error occurred while sending: Error: WebSocket is not open: readyState 3 (CLOSED)"
The above error clearly states that Node-Red is not able to establish the WebSocket connection due to incorrect configuration.
Can anyone who has connected to AWS IoT Core using WebSocket protocol share some pointers here?