Connection Timeout in Node-Contrib MS-SQL-PLUS

Hi Dears,

I have a node-red program accessing a cloud database with node-contrib ms-sql-plus. Everything works perfectly on my machine, but when I take it to the client it cannot connect and it gives a timeout. His machine has access to the internet and the windows firewall is turned off. Any suggestions?



Could be any number of things. Are you trying to connect to an instance? Is the SQL server set-up to accept connection? Is node-red running on the same subnet. Is node-red running in docker? If you install node-red-node-ping can the node-red instance ping the SQL server?

What, exactly, have you taken to the client?

Are you trying to connect to an instance? Yes, an instance in a AWS EC2 with MS-SQL-Server

Is the SQL server set-up to accept connection? Yes, in my home computer the connection Works perfectly

Is node-red running in docker? No, directly installed in a Windows machine

If you install node-red-node-ping...? This node returns false even under my home computer, where the connection works. I think that the AWS EC2 servers do not ping.

Is node-red running on the same subnet? I don't know. I will see this.



The client has a machine with Windows installed e running some types of softwares. I installed there the Node-Red for Windows and the node-contrib MS-SQL Plus. I configured this node with the same configuration of my machine, including tcp/ip, user, password and database name. But it do not connect.

What node js & node-red versions do the working and non working node-red machines have installed?

As it is an instance, you might need to grab the port number from the SQL server logs (since instances have a dynamic port number by default & it is often not 1433)

See this thread and others within the repository: Problem connecting to mssql express · Issue #63 · bestlong/node-red-contrib-mssql-plus · GitHub

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