Control of Quinetic Switches

Have some of these Quinetic switches and looking at whether it's possible to do anything with them via NodeRed.

I think the integration route would be via their WiFi Gateway and then possibly HomeBridge to NodeRed.

Just wondering whether anyone has looked at remote control of these other than via Alexa or Google Assistant?

I thought quinetic wifi was based on Tuya. Have you tried pairing one with the Tuya App or Smart Life App and using a Tuya node.

Yes, I have HomeBridge setup with Tuya plug-in, Tuya Smart Life App, and connected via a Tuya cloud project.
I discovered that I could add a QUGATE RF-WiFi gateway to the Tuya App and connect a Quinetic receiver via that. Sadly, I couldn't get it to appear in Apple Home, so this needs a bit more experimentation.
I'd like to get my Quinetic devices in to Apple HomeKit and then if it's possible add some NodeRed integration somewhere - possibly as an add-in to HomeBridge.
Just at the initial stages of looking into all this.

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